Organic Certification Program
The Georgia Crop Improvement Association’s Organic Certification Program (GCIAOCP) is committed to environmentally sound and economically viable production of food and encourages the preservation of natural resources, the improvement of soil quality and health through organic and sustainable farming practices and to foster the production of healthy livestock and poultry production.
The GCIAOCP is based on the requirements of the June 12, 2007 Part IV, Department of Agriculture and Agricultural Marketing Service 7CFR Part 205 NATIONAL ORGANIC PROGRAM; FINAL RULE , also known in this publication as the NOP.
For additional information, contact Billie Dunn, Organic Program Manager, at or 706-542-2351.

Organic Integrity in the Supply Chain: Overview for Certified Organic Handlers (Courtesy of USDA AMS)
USDA AMS Organic INTEGRITY through Data Partnerships (Courtesy of USDA AMS)
Institute of Plant Breeding Genetics and Genomics
Additional Resources
NOTE: First time applicants must contact the GCIA office and request a fee estimate letter prior to making application as required by the USDA National Organic Program.