The Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) is dedicated to assisting clients in the production, identification, distribution and promotion of certified classes of seed and other crop propagation materials. Established in 1919 as the International Crop Improvement Association, AOSCA’s membership includes Seed Certifying Agencies across the US, and Global membership including Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

Mission Statement
To promote and facilitate the movement of seed or plant products in local, national, and international markets through the coordinated efforts of official seed certification agencies acting to evaluate, document, and verify that a seed or plant product meets certain accepted standards.
AOSCA Objectives
- To establish minimum standards for genetic purity and identity and recommend minimum standards for seed quality for the classes of certified seed.
- To standardize seed certification regulations and procedures, and operational procedures in inter-agency seed certification.
- To periodically review agency genetic standards and procedures to assure compliance with the Federal Seed Act.
- To cooperate with seed regulatory agencies in the determination of policy, regulations, definitions or any procedures relating to the labeling and distribution of seed moving in intra-state, inter-state or international commerce.
- To cooperate with the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and international organizations involved in the development of standards, regulations, procedures, and policies to expedite movement of seed and encourage international commerce in improved varieties.
- To assist member agencies in promotion, production, identification, distribution and use of the certified classes of seed and other propagating materials of crop varieties.